Products overview

All our products derives from cold water species of fish. The main species and products are:


Norwegian cod (Gadus morhua) is the original cod used for salting. More than 90% of the Norwegian cod fishery comes from the North-Eastern Arctic shoals, which grow in the cold waters of the Barents Sea. It is the largest fish among the Gadus species and has a uniform light color after salting.

Dried salted Cod
Gadus morhua
Dried salted Cod
Gadus morhua


Haddock / Ambassade is a fish i the Cod family. It is a little smaller than the cod, up to 110 cm in length, and it has with flesh with a delicate taste.


The Ling (Molva molva) is a more slender fish compared to other types of cod. Its flesh has a lighter and more pleasant color.

Dried salted Ling
Molva molva
Dried salted Ling
Molva molva


Saithe (Pollachius virens) has a darker meat, with a stronger and more characteristic flavor.


The Tusk (Brosme brosme) has a smaller size compared to the other species and slightly darker coloration.

Dried salted Tusk
Brosme Brosme
Dried salted Tusk
Brosme Brosme